Best periods to travel in South Africa

South Africa’s weather patterns vary in the different regions making it hard to say “this is the best time of year to visit”. The answers are specific to provinces. Overall, in Spring (from mid-September to November) and Autumn (from late February to April) are the most enjoyable times to visit our country. Please visit our weather […]

Transport System

Short distances South Africa’s road infrastructure is in a fair state of usability, but its public transport system is unreliable. Though major cities have regular municipal buses, these may not be the most viable, cheapest or safest way to travel. There are various private taxi companies in South Africa. However, this may be the most […]


South Africans drive on the left side of the road. Generally, it is safe to drive on our streets; South Africa has an excellent and reliable road network. Not all South African roads are paved or tarred. We have many sand roads, and though they are graded annually, they might be a challenge to drive […]


Irrespective of where you go in the world, tipping is always a sensitive subject. There are countries around the world where tipping is not the custom as it is considered part of the cost of the service. South Africa is not one of these. We will try to give you an idea of how to […]

Internet Access

Internet access in South Africa is relatively easy. Most hotels and lodges have some form of access and Wi-Fi is becoming a standard. If not offered, ask your hotel or lodge to connect to their Wi-Fi. There might be a fee for this service. Various restaurants and coffee shops supply free Internet to their patrons; […]

Mobile Phones and SIM Cards

The international dial code for South Africa is +27 followed by nine local numbers.To dial out of South Africa, you may either use 00 or the + sign on your phone.Telkom directory inquiries are available at 1023 from a landline. Mobile phone network availability South Africa’s mobile phone networks cover the majority of the country. There […]

Malaria and other common diseases

Please seek advice about Malaria and other common diseases from your general practitioner or travel clinic at least six weeks before travel. COVID-19 As of the publishing of this article, the situation is still fluid and we are not willing to publish any related information. You may want to visit the official Corona Virus portal […]

Emergencies and Medical Services

Ambulances and medical emergency services 10 177 [State] 082 911 [Netcare] 084 124 [ER24] Police 10 111 or on your mobile 112 Fire brigade 10 177 It is always a good idea to take the travel insurance when travelling abroad, irrespective of which country you visit. Services like Europe Assistance are of great help in […]

At the hotel or game lodge

While travelling within South Africa, you might find the following tips very useful. At the hotel or game lodge Before getting dressed, check for little critters in your clothing by shaking them and shake them out of your shoes by turning them around. You would be amazed at crawls in at night, from spiders to […]

Organized Groups

Whether you are part of a traditional guided tour or a FIT (Free Independent Tourist), arriving in a foreign country can be overwhelming. Here are some of the procedures you should follow even though some of these are specific to South Africa, these are applicable worldwide. On your arrival You should be greeted by a […]